This study was carried out on Application of Statistical techniques in examining the benefit of small and medium enterprise development agency of Nigeria. This study seeks to investigate why SMEDAN has not been able to effectively carry out these functions. The main objective of this study is to examine the extent to which SMEDAN has been able to contribute to the growth and development of the MSMEs sector in Kano and Kaduna States through the performance of its functions. Sub objectives include to examine the effect of SMEDAN’s development programmes and support services on the growth and development of MSMEs entrepreneurs in Kano and Kaduna States ; the extent to which SMEDAN has been able to link MSMEs entrepreneurs in Kaduna and Kano States to internal and external sources of finance, the extent to which SMEDAN has been able to provide industrial infrastructure to MSMEs entrepreneurs in Kaduna and Kano States, and the extent to which the efforts of SMEDAN has facilitated the productivity of MSMES entrepreneurs in Kano and Kaduna States.The hypotheses are; there is no significant relationship between SMEDAN’s development programmes and support services provided and the growth and development of MSMEs entrepreneurs in Kaduna and Kano States, there is no significant relationship between SMEDAN’s linkage to internal and external sources of finance and the growth and development of MSMEs in Kaduna and Kano States, there is no significant relationship between SMEDAN’s provision of industrial infrastructure and the growth and development of MSMEs entrepreneurs in Kaduna and Kano States.Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaires and interviews while secondary data were collected from documents of SMEDAN, and internet materials amongst others. Tables, percentages and chi-square goodness of fit were used for the presentation and analysis of the data. Findings from the study revealed that SMEDAN did not assist the entrepreneurs in securing industrial infrastructure, the workspaces are not convenient because of inavailability of infrastructural facilities such as access roads, water supply and electricity. The entrepreneurs were not able to access funds through the help of SMEDAN because the requirements of the financial institutions were too stringent. The study also revealed that SMEDAN is grossly underfunded. In view of the findings, recommendations were made that State government s should come in to assist in providing and developing workspaces which should be given to entrepreneurs who will pay back instalmentally, also, the conditions of loan from the financial institutions should be reviewed and made easier to enable the entrepreneurs to borrow .SMEDAN should be adequately funded to enable her achieve her objectives.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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